Nina Prescott

Health & Air Quality Associate, RMI


Nina is a Health & Air Quality Associate on RMI’s Carbon-Free Buildings Program, where she works on climate solutions that transition buildings away from fossil fuels and provide health and air quality benefits. Her work currently focuses on indoor air quality guidance and policy in the United States.

Nina’s interdisciplinary background in climate science, buildings, policy and health support her interests in advancing a healthy, safe built environment for all. Her previous work includes convening building industry stakeholders and working with state and local policymakers to advance high-performance, low-carbon building strategies. Additionally, Nina has experience conducting and disseminating public and environmental health research. While earning her master’s degree in Climate & Society from Columbia University, Nina worked with the Carbon-Neutral Buildings Program at the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) where she gained her distinct interest in building decarbonization.