Efrie Escott, LFA
Sustainability Transformation Leader, Schneider Electric
Efrie Escott is the Sustainability Transformation Leader at Schneider Electric, promoting strategies to accelerate the transition to a decarbonized built environment. As an architect and LCA practitioner, Efrie previously reduced carbon emissions as a Principal within the KieranTimberlake Research Group, where she led their sustainability efforts and was a core member of the development team for Tally, an award-winning BIMintegrated life cycle assessment tool. She was a member of the USGBC Materials and Resources Technical Advisory Group, founder of Philadelphia’s Dynamo User Group, and Co-Chair for AIA Philadelphia Women in Architecture. She currently serves on the ASHRAE/ICC Standard 240p Committee, ILFI’s Energy and Carbon TAG, and the AIA Committee on Climate Action and Design Excellence.
Efrie lectures internationally and has published several peer-reviewed papers in internationally-recognized journals. She has a BA from Yale College, MArch from the University of Michigan, and MEM from the Yale School of the Environment.