Technical Advisors
ILFI’s community of practice is vital to informing the technical development, continued industry leadership, and transparency of ILFI’s programs.
ILFI’s volunteer technical advisors are critical partners that represent built environment and building industry leadership with deep technical expertise in relevant topic areas. A key role of these advisors is to weigh in on decisions pertaining to the development and implementation of ILFI’s program requirements.
ILFI has both Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) and Individual Technical Advisors (TAs). TAG members are selected from a pool of applicants who respond to a public call. They serve an initial term of one year with the option of extending for one or two years at a time for up to a total of four years. ILFI plans to launch additional TAGs as needs arise over time. When the need for a new TAG is identified, ILFI will conduct an open call for applications. Individual TAs are engaged as needs and opportunities arise. If you have any questions about our technical advisory opportunities, please reach out to tech.advisory@living-future.org.
Energy and Carbon
The Energy and Carbon TAG will advise on how ILFI programs can continue to lead building teams, of both new and renovation projects, to achieve aggressive energy and carbon reduction targets and be combustion and fossil-fuel-free.
Material Health
The Material Health TAG will identify and synthesize the latest research on chemicals of concern in the built environment, provide recommendations for annual updates of the ILFI Red List, and advise ILFI on its role to advance industry discourse on material health.
Individual Technical Advisors
TAs are tasked with examining specific issues and formulating recommendations in partnership with ILFI technical program staff.