A thriving community committed
to a regenerative future
Featured & Upcoming Events
Become a Member
Connect and learn with peers and industry experts, take action, and invest in the movement for regenerative design.
Be part of a global network of practitioners, organizations, and advocates committed to transforming the building industry through the holistic lends of climate, health, and equity.

Achieve Living Future Accreditation

LFA (Living Future Accreditation) is the professional credential that recognizes and rewards proficiency in the most ambitious, advanced, and holistic sustainable design standards available.
Continuing Education and certificates
The Living Future Education online catalog offers a robust suite of courses, certificates, and a credential that will help you build both foundational and specialized knowledge of ILFI’s programs and regenerative design.
Courses feature ILFI staff and industry experts and topics from affordable housing to zero carbon.

Featured Courses

Declare 2.0

LBC 4.0 Course Bundle

Achieving Healthy Materials
Start reading
Ecotone Publishing is the non-profit publishing arm of the ILFI and a key component of the organization’s communication strategy. Ecotone produces educational case studies and technical knowledge about regenerative design, renewable energy, water conservation, and biophilic design and is the leading source of publications about Living Buildings worldwide.
Ecotone also offers co-publishing services to help organizations document and share their stories, lessons, and design solutions with others who are seeking to address climate, health, and justice issues in the built environment and have a positive impact on their communities.

Join the ILFI Team & Support Our Mission

Creating a living future for all requires the efforts and passion of a community of people around the globe, with various skills and expertise, working together. ILFI has multiple volunteer opportunities available, with more to come.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the application and we will be in touch with you to discuss current opportunities.
Living Future is a dynamic and fast-growing non-profit with a critical ecological mission. We’re looking for multitasking, self-starters with a passion for the environment and strong interpersonal and organizational skills to join our team.