Painters Hall is Pringle Creek’s Community Center, Café, Office, art gallery, and event venue. Originally built in the 1930’s, Painters Hall was renovated to LEED Platinum Net Zero Energy Building standards in 2010, demonstrating the potential of converting existing building stock into high‐performance, sustainable building sites. Painters Hall features simple low-‐cost solutions for energy reduction, such as natural daylighting and passive cooling lighting, that save money and increase comfort. A district ground-‐source geothermal loop serves the building’s GSHP for highly efficient heating and air conditioning. Excess generation from the 20.2 kW rooftop solar array offsets pumping for the neighborhoods geo loop system. Key pieces of furniture were fashioned out of heavy timbers and slabs from trees milled onsite. Materials collected from deconstructed buildings onsite were incorporated into the renovation of Painters Hall, and the building’s Zero Waste Initiative significantly reduces garbage produced by events and activities. Open to the public, Painters Hall is a hub for gatherings of friends, neighbors, and visitors at the heart of a neighborhood designed around nature and community.