THRIVE Collaborative is transforming the site of a former youth prison into a Living Community. It is targeted to be a mixed-income net zero energy community: 100% all-electric, powered by solar, with resilient energy storage and no gas lines or combustion appliances of any kind. It is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, adjacent to a 130 acre park with miles of forested trails, community gardens and play spaces. Front porches face a greenway guiding residents into miles of trillium-lined pathways. Landscaping is viewed as a means of reviving ecosystems and food production will be integral to the neighborhood with food-producing native species, like hazelnuts and paw paws, in addition to lanes lined with fruit trees and community gardens. 

The neighborhood will include a multifunctional community barn (salvaged and restored from a nearby 1840s farm), a garden tool share-shed and retail center with coffee shop and a Farm Stop grocery where customers can purchase 100% local produce, meats and dairy exclusively from local farmers and producers year-round. Research shows that living close to people from a variety of incomes and backgrounds leads to substantially better lives, measured by real economic gains, greater educational attainment, and improved health. At Veridian, two thirds of the homes (99 units) are being developed for sale at market rate and the neighboring parcel with one third of the homes (50 units) will be developed by a local non-profit for low-income tenants including some who have formerly experienced homelessness.  To encourage human powered living, the neighborhood will have abundant bike storage, a bike maintenance shed, EV Bike share, EV Car Share, and more.

Learn more at the Veridian County Farm website.

Image courtesy of Thrive Collaborative: Concept drawing of Veridian at County Farm by Union Studio Architecture and Community Planning
