Local Time
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Date: Jun 14 – 15 2022
- Time: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
2022 Affordable Housing Summit
Housing plays a critical role in the health and equity of neighborhoods and in their resiliency to the effects of climate change. Building affordable housing right now means accounting for these simultaneous crises with each project. It is critical to promote physical and mental health, equity, and to reduce the carbon impacts in buildings, all while balancing the need to rapidly house people more affordably. ILFI’s annual affordable housing summit will bring together speakers and panelists discussing how developers, architects, and builders in this sector are striving for net-positive outcomes in health, equity, and climate. The summit will include interactive sessions and break down actionable steps that attendees can integrate into their work for each of these areas.
June 14th: 8:00 AM Opening Remarks & Welcome
EQUITY IN AFFORDABLE HOUSING 8:30 AM Keynote Address Nathaniel Smith, Partnership for Southern Equity 9:00 AM Designing Housing for Accessibility and Inclusion Erick Mikiten, The Art of Access and Mikiten Architecture, and Fatimah Aure, The Kelsey 9:30 AM Equity Action Steps and Discussion 10:00 AM Break CLIMATE POSITIVE AFFORDABLE HOUSING 10:30 AM Living Homes at Mill Creek Tour 11:00 AM Case Studies in Carbon Positive Housing Anne Torney, Mithun Architecture 11:30 AM Day 1 Wrap-Up June 15th: 8:00 AM Day 2 Introduction CLIMATE POSITIVE AFFORDABLE HOUSING (CONT.) 8:15 AM Keynote Address Dana Bourland, The JPB Foundation 8:45 AM Climate Action Steps and Resources for Net-Positive Energy HEALTHY AFFORDABLE HOUSING 9:00 AM Keynote Address Jonathan Wilson, National Center for Healthy Housing 9:30 AM Break 10:00 AM Healthy and Ethical Materials Veena Singla, Natural Resources Defense Council Nora Rizzo, Grace Farms Susan Puri, International Living Future Institute 11:00 AM Action Steps for Health 11:30 AM Summit Wrap-Up