Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 26 2023
- Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Climate Positive Design: Beyond Buildings
What role can our sites, landscapes, and infrastructure projects play in reducing emissions while increasing sequestration, and can these projects sequester more carbon than they emit? How can new tools and knowledge help inform site and building decisions throughout a project’s design phases?
When ILFI debuted the Zero Carbon Certification, it was the first of its kind. With the recent and rapid increase of data and newly available tools, we can now expand our design considerations beyond the building and into the environment, reaching the aspirational goal of climate positivity.
Landscape architects Pamela Conrad of Climate Positive Design and Chris Hardy from Sasaki will discuss strategies that empower designers of the exterior built environment to reduce carbon emissions and increase sequestration. They will present techniques and tools to calculate the carbon balance of landscape and infrastructural materials and strategies, both now and throughout a project’s lifespan.
Speakers include:- Pamela Conrad PLA, ASLA, LEED AP, Founder of Climate Positive Design, Loeb Fellow and Faculty Lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Design
- Chris Hardy PLA, ASLA, LEED AP, Senior Associate at Sasaki
- Jessica Bristow RA, LEED AP, LFA, Director, Living Building Challenge at the International Living Future Institute
- Recognize the potential positive impact scale of the exterior built environment on climate change.
- Discuss strategies for reducing embodied and operational emissions while increasing sequestration in the exterior built environment.
- Describe how to use free and accessible tools to measure and improve project performance.
- Give examples of multi-disciplinary, multi-sector advocacy and alignment efforts to reduce carbon emissions and increase sequestration to reduce carbon emissions and increase sequestration.
Please note: this event is only available to active Living Future Members. If you’re a member, find registration in your Member Dashboard. Otherwise, learn more and become a member today.