Integrating Tools for Equitable Design

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Aug 28 2024
  • Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM




Aug 28 2024


9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Integrating Tools for Equitable Design

Join ILFI on August 28th for an insightful member webinar led by experts from Architectural Nexus. Our speakers will introduce their comprehensive equity toolkit designed to empower community engagement in any design project. The toolkit combines elements from ILFI’s LBC Equity Petal, the AIA Framework for Equitable Communities, and SEED certification criteria into a comprehensive, open-source tool designed to help integrate community engagement and equitable thinking during pre-design while formulating project goals. The speakers will present the resource through a discussion of compiled frameworks and case studies. The closing discussion will provide direct feedback for the web-based questionnaire and participant ideas for increasing equity on projects.

After the one-hour presentation, members will have the opportunity to continue the conversation with an extended speaker Q+A along with peer-to-peer discussion.


  • Megan Repka, Project Architect at Architectural Nexus
  • Megan Girvan, Project Manager at Architectural Nexus

Learning objectives

  1. Describe the components of a comprehensive equity toolkit
  2. Recognize how to implement tools to increase social equity through project planning, design & development
  3. Outline how to lead equity charrettes & community engagement processes with available resources
  4. Identify project / equity certification opportunities


This webinar is submitted for 1 AIA LU|Elective.

Please note: Webinars are a special benefit available to our Living Future Members. If you’re already a member, you can find event registration in your Member Dashboard. Otherwise, learn more and become a member today!