Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 26 2024
- Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Just: Navigating the Journey to Socially Equitable Companies
Join HMTX Industries and the International Living Future Institute for an in-depth look at Just, which gauges the depth and effectiveness of an organization’s policies and practices pertaining to social justice and equity. Attendees will learn about the history, rationale, features, and benefits of the Just program, and how Just aligns with current green building standards. The webinar will also outline how Just can serve as a roadmap to improvements and enhancements and how the program can be promoted through sales and marketing.
- Arthur Clarke, Director of Sustainability & Impact at HMTX Industries
- Katie Cooper, Sustainability Specialist at HMTX Industries
- Griso Barrios, Senior Manager, Just at ILFI
Please note: This webinar is available to active Living Future Members at any level. Become a member to join us!