Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 19 2024
- Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Site Matters: Performative Ecology on Adaptive Reuse Site
- Jonathan Lawrence, Senior Landscape Architect & Horticulturist, Environmental Consulting & Technology
- Lyndley Kent, Architect & Principal, Neumann Monson Architects
- Dane Lovell, Facilities Maintenance Superintendent, Stanley Center for Peace & Security
- Describe how native plants support human and ecological health.
- Give examples of ways to incorporate and manage urban agriculture.
- Explain how combined sewer overflow (CSO) events in urban communities can be addressed through various GSI strategies.
- Provide examples of innovations used to capture and process rainwater.
This webinar is approved for 1 AIA LU|Elective.
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