Site Matters: Performative Ecology on Adaptive Reuse Site

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 19 2024
  • Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM




Nov 19 2024


9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Site Matters: Performative Ecology on Adaptive Reuse Site

​The Stanley Center for Peace and Security is committed to advancing global peace, freedom, and climate action. The organization’s headquarters, currently in the audit phase of Living Building Challenge certification, was adapted for reuse from a 1970s-era public library and is a biophilic and regenerative embodiment of those values. ​   This member webinar will explore how the design team approached the Living Building Place and Water Petals, including innovations to address site-specific constraints. Expert panelists will share lessons learned such as what has worked for managing urban agriculture, how to get creative with composting, and what effect restored ecological systems are having on building occupants and the surrounding community. ​​   Join us to learn how the team re-envisioned the native ecology and how high-performance landscapes mitigate stormwater, support pollinators and biophilia, and reduce urban heat islands.​ Speakers
  • ​Jonathan Lawrence, Senior Landscape Architect & Horticulturist, Environmental Consulting & Technology
  • ​Lyndley Kent, Architect & Principal, Neumann Monson Architects ​
  • Dane Lovell, Facilities Maintenance Superintendent, Stanley Center for Peace & Security
  Learning objectives
  1. ​​Describe how native plants support human and ecological health. ​
  2. Give examples of ways to incorporate and manage urban agriculture. ​
  3. Explain how combined sewer overflow (CSO) events in urban communities can be addressed through various GSI strategies. ​
  4. Provide examples of innovations used to capture and process rainwater.

This webinar is approved for 1 AIA LU|Elective.

Please note: Webinars are a special benefit available to Professional Living Future Members. If you’re already a Professional Member, you can find event registration in your Member Dashboard. Otherwise, learn more and become a Professional Member today!